Visualize data layers on land and tree cover and change over time.
Click the toggles to add data layers to the map. Active data will show in the Legend with explanations of how the data is visualized.
Global map of land cover, classified according to nine major land cover types.
Extent of the world’s last remaining unfragmented forest landscapes.
Identifies areas of tree cover.
Annual tree cover loss since 2001, defined as the removal or mortality of woody vegetation with a height of 5 m or taller.
Area of tree cover gain, defined as an increase in woody vegetation with a height of 5 m or taller.
Changing base maps will update the visual style and emphasis of geographic data on the map.
Emphasizes accurate, legible styling of road and transit networks.
Subtle map that provides basic geographic context.
Global satellite imagery from NASA, and USGS.
Streets and global satellite imagery from NASA, and USGS.
Community-built open data map.